Saturday, August 21, 2010

Top tennis beauties - New renaissance of female tennis

Lately, female tennis is experiencing new renaissance, and not just because the quality of the play has gone up, but mostly because the beauty of the players. Some of the girls on WTA tour could be easily models instead of tennis players, and this is the reason that makes the difference with female tennis. Because of these new tennis beauties we can now enjoy the combination of beautiful game and beautiful girls, and this is really a win-win situation for both players as well as the fans. This site is dedicated to the world's most beautiful female tennis players. So make sure to tune in to the hottest what female tennis has to offer. Enjoy.

Pakistani Indian Girls

Hotels in China offer "swimming companions"

Good-looking girls invited to lounge and swim at the hotel's pool during specified hours, with an "appearance fee" in return.


northeast asia




AS THE summer holidays approach, hotels in China have come up with novel ways to entice travellers to stay with them.

Some of the hotels now offer "swimming companions" to guests who choose to stay with them, according to Chinese evening daily Lianhe Wanbao.

Speaking for a self-proclaimed five-star hotel in the Yubei district, a Ms Bai admitted they wanted to attract male guests with the promotion, Wanbao reported.
A job advertisement revealed that the hotel is looking to hire girls with good looks.
According to the advertisement, they're only required to lounge in the swimming pool from 8pm to 10pm. The hotel will also pay the girls "appearance fees" ranging from RMB 80-100 (S$16.90-$21.90).
Ms Bai added that the girls are not required to swim with other guests in the pool. Ms Bai also clarified that she works for an advertising firm that's currently contracted to the hotel.
The lady said, "The job description is definitely true. If you have looks, you can report directly to the hotel for work."
A job advertisement for another hotel stated that its clientele is made up of white-collar males who would "appreciate looking at beautiful girls while swimming".
A manager in one of the Chongqing hotels said, "Such promotions are meant to increase the number of guests."
"Usually they're used to promote hotels which have just opened."
At one of the hotels in the district of Hubei, an applicant said that she decided to apply for the job because it sounded relaxing.
She said, "Besides I like swimming and I can earn money while I enjoy myself."
She added, "But I am still worried for my own safety."


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The most basic questions and concepts we must address involvethe differences between money, currency, and foreign exchange(FOREX). All too often these terms are interchanged. With equalfrequency, the differences are blurred and misconceptions aredeveloped. Aren’t the three terms one and the same? The answeris no.The Barter Process and the Evolution of MoneyMoney is the primal evolution of barter. It was developed as aconvenient means for exchanging goods and services. If my edu-cation correctly serves me, the first recorded book entries dateback 5,000 years ago to the Sumerians who were defined as thefirst society. Book entries could only become a reality as numericsystems were developed. This is how money allegedly originated.Certainly, there were methods to exchange goods and serv-ices before the Sumerians. The barter process appears in cavewall drawings and remains widely used today. However, barterlacks efficiency because it inevitably involves considerable nego-tiation to consummate a transaction. Value must be determinedthrough a process of bidding and offering. Sound familiar? Forexample, suppose an ancient tribesman trapped a few beaverswhile a fellow tribesman caught several fish.

Not needing all the beavers or all the fish, the two may decide to exchange beaver forfish. Depending on the perceived value of beaver pelts in themind of the fisherman versus the relative hunger of the trapper,some ratio of beaver to fish would be agreed upon.Understandably, perceived values will change. The first inklingof seasonality can be deduced from the previous example by over-laying the need for warmth during the winter onto the nonseasonalrequirement for food. Logically, pelts should fetch more fish astemperatures cool. The trapper is likely to fatten up during winter,but go hungry in the summer. This suggests that the trapper willexpand his product line to include meat as well as pelts. This over-comes seasonal problems. Both the trapper and fisherman mustspend the better part of their day accumulating their bounties.Perhaps neither has time to build or maintain shelter. However,another tribesman discovers that his lack of skills as hunter or fish-erman is offset by his ability to construct sturdy huts.The hut builder introduces the concept of cyclical supply anddemand as well as an underlying seasonal influence. He mustbuild huts when the weather is mild and there is easy access tothe ground. His unique challenge derives from his product’s dura-bility coupled with seasonal supply. He develops a prolongedbarter whereby he swaps a hut for a year’s supply of fish or meat.Thus, the hut builder’s commitment to exchange today is carriedforward in payments. Heavens! Was this the first mortgage?The model grows more complex when the hut builder dis-covers that the value of his trade exceeds his requirements forfish and meat. Since he cannot consume all he has bartered for,he decides to use his excess to acquire a wagon from the wagonmaker to transport his building materials and increase his effi-ciency. Perhaps he also exchanges fish and meat for tools. Theincreased efficiency only brings the hut builder more fish andmeat. He decides to train other hut builders with the under-standing that they will work for him and receive a portion of hismeat and fish. The first real-estate tycoon is made. In all likeli-hood, he doesn’t even pay for the land!We see an economic system emerging from barter. All thewhile, however, transactions and relative values must be negoti-ated. Eventually, the hut builder’s tradesmen may decide to gooff on their own. Suddenly, there is competition in the real-estatemarket.

With equal certainty, the tribe will have many fishermen, hunters, wagon builders, toolmakers, and other tradesmen.If competition becomes heated, arguments can develop, and,alas, we see the makings of war.This is not necessarily a historically correct portrayal. Themetaphor simply illustrates how a barter economy develops andfunctions. Reviewing and understanding this fundamental eco-nomic system is important when we seek to determine FOREXtrading strategies based upon relative values for global goods andservices. With the decline of colonization, nations have becomeregional. Since global resources are highly regional, nationalwealth becomes a function of location, population, and sophisti-cation. In turn, national wealth determines a currency’s relativestrength or weakness.Although this concept will be covered in later chapters, Iwon’t hold you in total suspense. Some basic examples can beillustrated by Middle East oil or South African gold and plat-inum. These natural and valuable resources provide foundationsfor national economic security. They also fuel currencyexchange. Japan relies upon ingenuity to efficiently convert rawmaterials into finished goods. The yen’s value rises and falls rel-ative to Japan’s innovation and related exports. Each nation reliesupon particular resources to derive wealth. As we will see, thiswealth is a driving force behind fluctuating currency values.However, it is not the only driving force.Returning to our barter example, we can identify a need for amore efficient method of exchange. A toolmaker observes thatsome metal materials have a mysterious attraction. A shiny yel-low metal is far heavier than the harder bronze he uses for an axor hammer. His neighbor takes a fancy to the yellow metal andoffers to exchange his skills as an artisan for a portion of theshiny yellow metal. Incredibly, the entire tribe, as well as othertribes, finds this yellow metal universally attractive. Of course,this metal is gold. After a sufficient quantity of gold becomesavailable, tribal members decide to mold it into uniform piecescalled coins. They examine a fundamental product like fish andsee that one fish fetches two beaver pelts. If they set the value ofone fish equal to one gold coin, then one gold coin buys twobeaver pelts. Thus, the value of a gold coin is established as aratio to a common barter product with a relatively stable per-ceived value.Money, Currency, and Foreign Exchange

This example of converting gold into money does not takeseasonal or cyclical values into consideration. It is only a way toexplain the probable transition from barter to money. You areprobably saying, “Tell me something I don’t know.” I emphasizethat basic concepts translate into a more precise understandingof how FOREX works.In reality, gold is a convenient example rather than a histori-cally accurate account of how money emerged. Gold and even sil-ver were too scarce to be effective forms of money. This is why thePhoenicians resorted to shells, while other cultures minted cop-per, tin, and iron or used glass, beads, and stones. This does notimply that gold and silver were not used for exchange. However,gold and silver’s widespread use for day-to-day transactions wasnot common until far more sophisticated economies evolved.As we will see, gold and silver were symbols of wealth andstores of value. These metals were used for more substantialtransactions often involving exchange between kings or noble-men. These metals represented the first significant form ofFOREX. Equally important, gold and silver were used to measureoverall and relative wealth. You may say, “Wealth is wealth.”This truism stands; however, there is a concept of relative wealththat plays an important role in determining modern interna-tional currency trends.The Family Tree of Money, Currency, and FOREXMost of us are familiar with trading cards. Whether trading base-ball or Pokémon cards, children probably develop their first senseof value and negotiating skills by swapping trading cards. Indeed,some of us learned through this same primal exercise in FOREX.We can analyze card swapping in three ways. We can assumeeach card represents a form of currency whereby a specific cardis likened to the yen while another symbolizes the dollar. Weimmediately comprehend that the card’s value is directly associ-ated with its scarcity relative to demand. Children instinctivelyknow that the more rare the card, the more valuable it becomesrelative to other cards or simply for outright purchase.By the same token, children grasp the concept of storingvalue when they refuse to relinquish extremely valuable cards regardless of the offer.

Of course, this is where children mayappear irrational. After all, every card should have a price, right?Interestingly, adults and, more significantly, entire societies canenter periods of irrational savings. The concept of storing value,regardless of alternatives, can be seen as a confidence crisis. Inthe child’s case, he or she lacks confidence that he or she willsecure a replacement card. Suddenly, this card is the only suchcard in the child’s mind—a must have or must keep. Whensocioeconomic panic sets in, history suggests we fall back on pri-mal wealth symbolism like gold, property, or essential assets.Today, we call this a flight to quality.Experienced currency traders might legitimately disagreewith equating each unique card with a unique currency. It is notnecessarily the case that the scarcest currency fetches the high-est price or attains the greatest perceived value. In fact, the mostabundant currency, like the dollar, is frequently viewed as themost valuable. Therefore, another viewpoint is that each playingcard represents a unit of currency similar to the $1, $5, $10, and$20 bills going up to the highest denomination. In this example,the trading card becomes money rather than currency. What’sthe difference?Simply put, money represents the means of exchange withinits country of origin. When we think of money, we immediatelyresort to the bills and coins in our pockets or purses. We rarelyconjure up an image of equalizing values between our pocketcash and the money of western Europe or the Pacific Rim. Thedifference is subtle, but consider that money has a fixed valuewithin its place of origin. If baseball cards had a fixed value, theywould not be negotiated. You would simply trade a known Xnumber of cards for a known Y quantity of cards. In turn, theratio of cards to each other permits different mixes of cards tobuy goods and services. Observation tells us this is not the case.Trading cards change value in accordance with the inventories ofthose making the bids and offers.Today, money, currency, and FOREX are like a family tree.Currency is money once removed. They are similar, yet theyoperate in different forums for different purposes. Another wayto view trading cards expounds upon the market concept of thebid and offer. At any given moment, groups of children sportingdifferent card inventories gather in separate markets to set theirMoney, Currency, and Foreign Exchange relative card values.

Depending upon the inventories availablewithin each market, the same cards will take on different values.Given the sophistication and indulgence of our newest genera-tions, kids might plan to be in different markets at the same timeby communicating bids and offers via cell phone or email.Behold, children participating in arbitrage!When card values are exchanged in broad markets, we see ametaphoric example of FOREX. Taking this forward anotherstep, money is used to buy local goods and services. Assume abushel of soybeans is worth $6. We know that a $1 bill and $5bill will purchase a bushel of beans. If we use a $10 bill, wereceive $4 in change. A drought may drive soybeans higher,whereas good weather may lower prices. If the price is stable at$6, what is the same bushel worth in pounds (£)? The answer liesin the relative value of pounds to dollars. Consider that if thepound loses value against the dollar, U.S. soybeans become moreexpensive in the United Kingdom, but remain the same price indollars. This is another way to differentiate money from cur-rency. Recognize that this example uses a single commoditypriced in two currencies. When soybeans are sold in the UnitedKingdom, local influences may make the price in pounds higheror lower. Thus, local supply and demand prevails to set localprices.It does not take a great deal of perception to know where theexample culminates. If we remove the soybeans and simply tradepounds against dollars, we are dealing in FOREX. In the FOREXmarket, the supply and demand for different currencies at anygiven moment establishes an exchange value—hence the expres-sion foreign exchange. When you trade FOREX, you attempt toanticipate fluctuations in relative currency values. More oftenthan not, you are not concerned with the price of local goods andservices in local monies. There is an obvious link between localcurrency strength and weakness that is associated with inflationand deflation. If the dollar is inflating while the pound is not,there is a very good chance the pound will appreciate against thedollar. Unfortunately, FOREX relationships have become highlyanticipatory. This means that today’s inflation might be dis-counted by tomorrow’s anticipated price correction. The subtleaspects of forecasting will be explained in later chapters. For now,keep this concept in the back of your mind as we move forward.

The Mechanisms of Money, Currency, and FOREXWith a modest understanding of money, currency, and FOREX,the next step in building a trading strategy involves breakingeach component down into its mechanism. Here, distinctionsbetween money and currency tend to blur. With concentration,we can maintain differentiation to develop more profound inter-pretations of intermarket events. Today’s money consists of cashand book entries. Both use common denominations or units.U.S. money begins with the unit of currency called the dollar.This is fractionalized or multiplied as required to refine purchaseprices. The fractions are on a base-10 system beginning with1/100thof $1 called the cent (¢). The physical representation of1¢ cent is the penny. Cent is the unit, whereas penny is the coin.Five cents is coined as the nickel. We are still dealing with thecent, but our physical money can be either 5 pennies or 1 nickel.Of course, 10¢ is a dime, 25¢ is a quarter, and, oddly, 50¢ is a 50-cent piece.I indulge in this elementary-level exercise because it is exceed-ingly important to make the leap from fractional units to currencyunits. The entire process of FOREX trading is based upon commonfractional values known as pips. A pip is the common denomina-tor between currencies much like the cent is the denominator forthe dollar. While writing this text, I could only identify one U.S.product where domestic prices were quoted in fractions of apenny. Perhaps you can identify more. What is it? For somestrange reason, U.S. retail gasoline is priced ending in nine-tenthsof a cent. I’ve always wondered why this is always rounded up tothe nearest cent. Who is keeping all those one-tenths?Those familiar with Charles Dickens’ novel Great Expecta-tions might associate the word pip with that book’s central char-acter. We less-literary folk must direct our attention to the lastsignificant decimal of a quoted currency. Again, this seeminglysimple definition takes on monumental importance because pipsdetermine the most common intraday and interday spreads andare also used to price transactions. The spread in pips can be themarket maker’s commission and, thus, your trading cost. As wewill discuss in further detail, the pip is used when currencies arequoted against each other in the cash, Interbank, or electronicspot FOREX markets. When the reciprocal is correlated to theMoney, Currency, and Foreign Exchange dollar in U.S. futures and options, the pip disappears. Each mar-ketplace has its own language and structure.

Once you under-stand each market’s operations, including its advantages anddisadvantages, you can make an educated decision about howand where to participate.When conducting seminars on FOREX trading, I often drawthe parallel between components like money or currency andquantum physics versus cosmetology. Admittedly, this correla-tion is a scientific stretch and is not intended to infringe uponthe territorial imperative of our most brilliant academicians.FOREX trading does not require the CERN particle acceleratorto identify its inner most workings. However, the perspectivesare similar to emphasize a FOREX trader’s required multiplicity.The tiniest particles within our universe were born out of thegreatest cosmological event presumed to be the Big Bang.Money is derived from the most fundamental human prem-ise—faith. This faith that money is, in fact, valuable must begoverned by multiple facilities that include government treasur-ies, central banks, commercial banks, consumer banks, specialtybanks (savings and loans, credit unions, government lendinginstitutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and so on), theInternational Monetary Fund, and international currency mar-kets. In addition, each sovereign’s taxing authority plays a role inthe amount of money citizens have available to spend and theamount governments have to spend or waste as they see fit. Eachlink in money’s governing chain plays a role in determiningvalue. Relationships between money institutions such as banks,coupled with the monetary policy of the governing institutionslike the Federal Reserve or Treasury, determine the money sup-ply. When correlated with demand, money establishes its valuerelative to domestic goods and services as well as its value asinternational currency.The Regulation of Money SupplyAs you can see, our very simple explanations of money, currency,and FOREX begin to become more complex. The amount ofmoney we have is primarily regulated by interest rates and trans-actions commonly called open market operations. In the UnitedStates and many other nations, money supply is also a function of reserve requirements.

The focus on money and related bank-ing mechanisms alone can fill a book. Indeed, many texts havebeen written on the subject. A basic understanding of howmoney supply is regulated is another essential piece of theFOREX trader’s strategic puzzle. This is because money becomesa commodity for FOREX trading. Money translates into curren-cies that can be exchanged at rapidly fluctuating values to gen-erate a profit or, heaven forbid, a loss.Three Expressions of Money Supply in the United StatesIn the United States, money supply is expressed as three num-bers referenced as M1, M2, and M3. These three expressionshave different presumed transaction velocities. M1 is cash incirculation plus primary bank deposits called demand deposits.M2 takes savings deposits into consideration. Following theU.S. Savings and Loan Crisis, many analysts discounted M2 asa relic because banking structurally changed to give savingsdeposits more flexibility. With check-drawing privileges, savingaccounts are almost the same as demand deposits with theexception that they pay nominal interest. The advent of moneymarket accounts required a third category encompassed in M3.Together, these three measures of supply comprise the totalamount of local currency capable of circulating within theUnited States.During the 1970s through the 1980s, FOREX traders keenlyfocused on money supply. It was a Friday ritual to bet on thechange in M1 and M2, and therefore the change in U.S. currencyvalue relative to other currencies. The premise was simple. If M1and M2 grew appreciably, the dollar should weaken against othercurrencies —all things being equal. If the supply of U.S. currencyshrank while demand remained stable, the dollar’s value shouldincrease. Also, flooding the money supply implied increasinginflation. Inflation meant devaluation.The Facilities and Principles for Regulating FluctuationThe classic formula for determining domestic price levelspostulates that the price level is equal to the velocity of moneyMoney, Currency, and Foreign Exchange multiplied by the money supply.

World's Largest Ramada Hotel Sets December 2010 Opening in China

Ramada Worldwide today announced its continued expansion in China with the planned opening of two new hotels in 2010.They are the world's largest Ramada hotel, the 1000-room Ramada Hotel & Suites Boao in the Hainan province, and the 548-room Ramada Huangshan in the Anhui province.

Ramada Hotel & Suites Boao (Hainan Province, China)Currently under development on Hainan Island just off the south coast of mainland China, the upscale, 24-story Ramada Hotel & Suites property is expected to open in December 2010. The all-new construction hotel is being developed by Hainan Baolian City (Boao) Company Ltd., a subsidiary of the Shanghai Baolian Real Estate Company, Ltd., which is also developing the 337-room Shanghai Wyndham Baolian. Tom Monahan, Wyndham Hotel Group executive vice president of international development says the hotel will feature oversized rooms and suites, three full-service restaurants, a lobby bar, 1,150 square meters of meeting space, a swimming pool, gym and other recreational facilities.The hotel is part of a larger plan by the developer to transform more than two square kilometers of the city's oceanfront real estate into an upscale resort destination that will feature multiple retail and entertainment spaces.Owned and operated by Huangshan Xinhui Investment Co., Ltd., the newly constructed eight-story Ramada Huangshan hotel is the Ramada brand's first hotel in the Anhui province. Located on the south bank of the Xin'an River, an area famous for the Yellow Mountains and other natural wonders, the property will feature oversized rooms and suites; a multi-lingual staff that is fluent in English, Japanese and Cantonese; a full-service restaurant specializing in Western cuisine; meeting and conference facilities capable of accommodating up to 600 guests; a fitness center and express check-out. All guest rooms and suites will feature 26"-inch flat-screen televisions and free high-speed Internet access."The cities of Boao and Huangshan serve as key destinations for both business and leisure travelers," says Monahan. "With the addition of these hotels, the Ramada brand is well poised to capture the business of those travelers and maintain Wyndham Hotel Group's position as the leading lodging franchisor in China."Wyndham Hotel Group, the world's largest U.S. based hotel company in China, currently franchises over 170 hotels throughout China, 34 of which are a part of the Ramada brand. Ramada Worldwide, with a portfolio of 900 properties worldwide, is a member of the Wyndham Hotel Group family of lodging brands.Wyndham Hotel Group, one of three principal components of Wyndham Worldwide Corp. (NYSE: WYN), encompasses over 7,000 hotels representing nearly 593,000 rooms under the Wyndham Hotels and Resorts®, Ramada®, Days Inn®, Super 8®, Wingate® by Wyndham, Baymont Inn & Suites®, Microtel Inns & Suites®, Hawthorn Suites®, Howard Johnson®, Travelodge®, Knights Inn® and AmeriHost Inn® brands. All hotels are owned individually and operated independently or by Wyndham Hotel Management.

Eco Hotels: Chinese hotel powers itself with self-generated solar electricity

Eco Factor: Hotel powered by solar energy.

The Power Valley Jinjiang International Hotel in northern China is preparing itself for the time when grid electricity will be a luxury of the past. The hotel is partially powered by self-generated solar electricity, which is generated from nearly 4500-square-meters of solar panels that absorb sunlight all through the day for clean illumination at night.The hotel demonstrates the effectiveness of clean technologies that are being developed all over the world. The solar panels required for the process are installed on the windows of the hotel rooms and on land nearby the Power Valley Jinjiang International Hotel. Apart from generating solar electricity to keep the interiors illuminated at night, the hotel’s lobby is designed with a translucent roof, which allows sunlight to light up the interiors during daytime. Together the solar array is capable of generating 0.3MW of electricity, which is enough to partially power the hotel.
The Dark Side:

With a whopping 4500-square-meter solar array, the hotel is only powered partially by green electricity. The energy requirements of the hotel must be reduced, to keep the hotel completely off-grid.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

godady review

With the 2009 SuperBowl just around the corner I decided to review the web hosting services of As you may or may not know in the last several years GoDaddy has participated in a number of Superbowl commercials. (Which by the way you can preview on their website)

GoDaddy was started in 1997 by Bob Parsons, who is still the founder and CEO of the company.

They remain the largest ICANN domain registrar in the world with over 32 million domains currently under their management. GoDaddy has been included in the top 500 list of the fastest- growing, privately held companies in the nation for the last 3 years. They also participate in a list of charities too long to mention, but found under "Go Daddy Cares" on their website.

Besides domain registry GoDaddy also supplies:

Domain - purchase, management, renewals, transferring, auctions, and enhancements.

Hosting - plans, management, enhancements, and server plans.

Email - plans, management, enhancements, and marketing for your business.

SiteBuilders - enhancements, do it yourself plans, and build it for you plans.

Business - tools, reseller programs, ecommerce products, marketing tools, and gift cards.

SSL Certificates - purchase and management.

Reseller - Opportunities and management.

Unlike many webhosting companies that offer one or a few web hosting package options GoDaddy provides enough products to fit the needs of just about anyone wanting to design or start a website. Go Daddy does not provide "toll free" phone support. However, they have a ton of options to provide support such as (not outsourced) phone, email, FAQ, Knowledgebase, help guides, tutorials, glossary, and forum.

In our GoDaddy review we found their website to be very comprehensive yet easy to find the information you need, and fun stuff too(like their commercials) . Another advantage to GoDaddy is they do not require any long term contracts, they offer 12, 24, and 26 month discounts but do not require you to do so.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Forex Market History

This brief Forex market history will give you some insight into how this market has evolved.

The Forex market, as we know it, was established in 1971 when floating exchange rates for currencies began to appear. Prior to that, international agreements, including the gold exchange standard of 1876 and the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1945 prevented speculation in the currency markets.With international trade expanding rapidly after the second world war and the massive movements of capital across international borders, the foreign exchange rates established by the Bretton Woods Agreement became unstable and the agreement was finally abandoned in 1971.By 1973, international currencies began to float in value, driven mainly by the forces of supply and demand. The ensuing deregulation resulted in much more open trade and led to an increase in currency speculators.
With the growth of the computer age in the 1980's, currency movement across borders became a 24 hour-per-day business, trading through the various time zones. Major banks created dealing rooms where massive amounts of the world's various currencies could be traded in a matter of minutes.
Today, electronic brokers trade the Forex market. Single trades of tens of millions of dollars are carried out within seconds. Most of these transactions are conducted to speculate on the market, with the aim of making money from money. These brokers, or Market Makers, are allowed to divide the large inter-bank units into smaller lots and allow private investors, smaller banks, hedge funds, etc. to buy and sell into the market. These brokers negotiate buy/sell prices between each other, thereby having the ability to set market prices for the rest of us.
Generally, the market is divided into the Asian, European and American sessions. The trading week begins in Asia on their Monday morning, and continues until the close of the American market on it's Friday afternoon. 24 hours a day, 5-1/2 days per week.
Because there is no central exchange for Forex, exact figures on any aspect of it are hard to come by, but it is estimated by the Bank for International Settlements (or BIS) that the average daily turnover of the Forex market in April 2006 was $2.7 trillion USD. This figure includes the spot market (the one we trade), swap market, futures and options. In other words, the Forex market is more than 10 times the size of the daily turnover of all the world’s stock markets combined.
Forex is a group of interconnected marketplaces where currency instruments are traded. Each marketplace is at liberty to set it's own exchange rate, which means that your dealer may be showing you different prices than the guy up the street would. The reality is, the prices are usually very close from broker to broker.
Inside information in the foreign exchange markets is virtually non existent. Changes in exchange rates are usually caused by actual money flows. Expectations of changes in this flow, caused by changes in GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, budget and trade deficits or surpluses, etc. are major price drivers. This information is released publicly, usually on specific dates at specific times. Since so many people have access to the same news at the same time, any "insider advantage" is unlikely. The large banks do have an important advantage though, they can see their customer's order flow.
Currencies are traded against one another. Therefore, a trade will consist of two currencies, or a pair, such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, etc. The first currency of the pair is the base, and the second is known as the counter currency. Prices are expressed in terms of how much of the second, or counter, currency is needed to make up one unit of the base currency. For example, if the price quoted for EUR/USD is 1.3145, this is the price of one Euro expressed in US dollars, ie. 1 Euro=1.3145 US dollar.
We buy or sell the pair, at the market price, with an expectation the price will move higher or lower, towards our target. 

4 steps to make successful website

Very often you have experienced that your client is not happy in the very first attempt. You spend long working hours to make a design for him and in the end he just walk away without reasonable explanation. This is not happening only with you but a lot more like you. So what is that which everybody does not follow or do wrongly?

The answer is not following the drill. Yes, many of us rush through the designing process and do not follow it , resulting a failed design . A design fails when the designer directly jumps on to the final conclusion without preparing any blueprint and not following the process.

The process which every designer needs to follow before starting for a new design is as follows. Following it orderly will result in a successful design. The process includes:- Planning Content Building Designing Development

In brief:-Planning: - Planning is assimilating all the information about your client's needs and requirements. Put down your thoughts make a blueprint of the design which you have thought. A rough draft always helps. You must have all the required information about the design like the purpose and the objective. Content Building: - Where and how you are going to put the content. You mush have all the relevant information about the length of the content that needs to be put at a certain place. It is necessary because your images must supplement the content. The size of the content also affects the use of design. So you must know which content will fit where. Designing: - If you have followed your first two steps carefully and religiously then you must not have any problem. You have prepared the blueprint of the design; you know which content will be placed where, you just have to move your paintbrush keeping the client's requirement in mind. Development:- You are done with your design part, now comes its development. Now to make your design work you need to convert it into codes like HTML/XHTML/CSS/PHP. Now its your choice either you do it yourself or you can outsource it to any firm which worth your attention. You miss any step and you definitely put your whole website into danger. The most common mistake that a web designer generally make is they start thinking from step 3 and end with it only. This direct jump makes them to commit a blooper.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What Exactly is Forex Hedging?

For those who are not recognizable with the Forex marketplace, the phrase "hedging" could denote totally nonentity. On the other hand, those who are standard traders are acquainted with the fact that there are numerous ways to make use of this expression in buy and sell. Mainly when you listen to this expression it means that you are trying to decrease your jeopardy in buying and selling. It is somewhat that everybody who devices to endow have to be acquainted with. It is a modus operandi that can guard your savings to some quantity. While hedging is a trendy trade phrase, it is too one that seems a tad strange. It is a great deal like an indemnity plan. When you prevaricate, you cover yourself in case an unenthusiastic occasion may happen. This does not mean that when an unconstructive incident occurs you will come out of it totally impervious. It only means that if you correctly hedge yourself, you won't get a mammoth collision. Believe of it like your auto indemnity. You acquire it in case an incident that is awful occurs. It does not put off bad things from experience, but if they do, you are capable to pull through a lot enhanced than if you were not insured in the first place. Any person who is mixed up in trade can become skilled at the whole concept of the hedge. From massive corporations to diminutive person investors, hedging is somewhat that is extensively practiced. The process in which they carry out this is to engage by means of marketplace instruments to counteract the menace of any off-putting pressure group in price. The easiest method to do this is to hedge a speculation with a different guesswork. For instance, the way largely people would arrange with this is to endow in two dissimilar things with unenthusiastic associations. This is still expensive to a number of persons though the defence you acquire from doing this is well worth the charge for the most part of the time. When you commence erudition supplementary about hedging, you start to appreciate why not a lot of people totally know what it is all about. The modus operandi used to hedge is completed by using derivatives. These are complex devices of economics and most frequently only used by experienced investors. If you are interested in the whole concept of hedging of course, you need to read up as much as you can on it and perhaps attend a few courses. If you are investing with a bank, the bank will be able to give you the advice necessary on how and when to hedge and whether or not it would be viable for you in your current investment plan and how much margin you have invested in the market. When you are able to see the big picture and see whether or not hedging will benefit you in the way it should, then you can try to execute this for yourself and protect your investments against risk

An Introduction – Web Hosting & Domain Name

Web hosting is a kind of a company which gives you a space in a server for your website, and you're connected to the entire world. You can find lots of hosting companies out there so to make sure that you are getting the best deals and services, you should look and opt for some of the top web hosting providers.

Before you choose a company, some points should be kept in mind. First of all you should check company's reputation and collect some information about that company. Do some research about a few company's and their services and evaluate them according to your necessities, collect information about support and backup of that company, check companies creditability and customer services. Check how many features company gives you, how many space it provides, what is the bandwidth size, you should collect all the above information before joining any companiy's services.

Basically Hosting is a business of storing and manage Web Pages of your website. A web server holds thousands of websites, runs 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week. So web hosting is a method to earn money online.

You should take unlimited bandwidth facilities to your hosting company, so your visitors open many pages and you can load video in your site.

There are many kinds of Web hosting companies like Free web hosting companies, Reseller web hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server) etc.

Domain Name

Domain Name is an address of a site on internet like. It is an addressing scheme assigns names and numbers to identify the computers on the Internet.

A good Domain Name is that which clarify your business or your work, for example a website which gives you information about Tennis that Domain Name must relate to Tennis like www., www. Domain Name is difficult to remember so Domain Name should be short and easy.

Some Domains are

.gov = Government agencies

.edu = Educational institutes

.org = Organizations (Non Profit)

.mil = Military

.com = Commercials Business

.net = Network Organizations

.ca = Canada

.uk = United Kingdom

.in = India

A Sudden Visit to Pakistan: Heera Mandi – The Dream House of the Whores

I felt like a bridegroom who had come to pick out one of the three beautiful sisters. Sitting next to each other on a blue sofa, they blushed and coquettishly glanced at us.

An old woman with a straight back and shining-white hair sat down on the floor and talked of the heat and humidity. She had a firm, commanding voice that sliced and rebuked the air with the sharp tanginess of a most refined form of spoken Urdu.
Unlike the brightly-colored and intricately designed shalwaar kameeze (Shalwar are loose trousers and the kameeze is a long shirt) of the girls, the stern woman stood apart in an off-white dress and a white netted dupatta (a scarf or covering for the head and upper body worn by women), carefully adjusted on her head.
It seemed like a cultured Muslim family, but the girls were not sisters. They were prostitutes. The old lady was not a mother looking for suitable boys for her daughters, but a pleasure-house Madam.
We were in Heera Mandi — ‘a bazaar of diamonds’ — Pakistan’s oldest red light district.
Crossing into the Red Light
Mian Naeem, a soft-spoken Lahore-based sculptor and art-critic, had agreed to take me for an excursion to Heera Mandi, a place I particularly wished to visit especially after reading an excellent book by the British author Louise Brown, The Dancing Girls of Lahore: Selling Love and Saving Dreams in Pakistan’s Ancient Pleasure District.
i was in Pakistan to take part in a conference for a visa-free South Asia and was tied up with a series of seminars and speeches during the day. Night was the time to explore the city and Heera Mandi had to be a necessary pilgrimage.
A Road Leading to Sin
Mian Naeem parked his vintage car outside the periphery of Heera Mandi. It was past midnight, perhaps the right time to take a dip into the secrets of the flesh.
The evening had grown slightly middle-aged. The madams and their agents were likely to be more tolerant towards pleas for cheaper bargaining. The available girls were unlucky to be picked yet and hopefully more resigned in their choice for customers. Further, the shield of the deep-night darkness made it easy to imagine that Allah would be too sleepy to notice his faithful venturing out to make sinful transactions.
The streets were crowded with the revelers of the night. Restaurants, and only restaurants, lined both the sides. The blazing fire in the tandoors, the complicated smell of chicken curry and gutter stink, the cries of the cooks, and the laughter of the diners combined to create a blurred sensation in the mind.
Lahore College Girls are Forced to Become Subhuman

In an eye-opening and very terrible report telecasted by a private news channel, many rackets are active, who in the name of marriage kidnap and then force girls to become call girls in Lahore.
These rackets employ women from the Bazar-e-Husan (the redlight areas of Lahore, which is now scattered in the posh areas like Model Town, Johar Town, and even Defense), who roam the colleges and cajole girls for the marriages. These rackets also employ young and smart boys who wheedle the girls outside the college gates and then sweet-talk these girls for marriage. Girls either leave their homes to marry these “dream-lover-boys” or girls force their parents and family for the marriage.
These boys take these girls away in the name of honeymoon after couple of days of marriage and then the family of girls never see their daughter or their “son-in-law” again. These girls become yet another sex machine in the huge brothels established in the posh areas of Lahore, where the the elite from every field of life in Lahore and from other cities come to relax to regain energy to “serve” the nation again.
These girls in the sex houses suffer what ordinary people cannot even imagine. They get sexually abused 15 to 20 times during 24 hours without any rest by as many people as they come. These girls are asked to perform all the perverted sexual acts asked by the clients. These girls are not even allowed to disappoint their clients during their monthly periods. These girls are beaten blue and torture upon them through knives, cigaretts, sticks and belts is a routine. They are given lesser food and there is no concept about medicine.
he cries of these girls remain imprisoned within the tall walls of brothels in Lahore.

Best Broker Forex

Who is the best forex broker?

Anyone who trades forex knows how difficult it was finding the top broker for their taste and methods. Here you will find some information to help you make a more informed decision.

Regulated BrokersThe Best SpreadsTransaction CostsPlatformCustomer Service

Information about each of these items will help you trade better with more confidence. If you ever bought a car without test driving then, you may want to the next time you are looking for a car. As with the brokers, you can demo/practice/test their platforms and customer service even before you put any money in. These brokers know it can be difficult, but they want your business, so try every thing you can before you commit.

What are Regulated Brokers?

These particular brokers are watched by protection agencies, so the investor has more comfort on where they put their. Brokers such as and are two brokers that are regulated by the NFA. Using a regulated Forex broker will give you a peace of mind for sure.

What are spreads?

These are price point between the bid and ask price. At any given time a fixed spread or an adjustable spread will be offered for trading. These spreads will vary and are fairly important to consider when trading. Don’t always assume the lower the spread the better the broker.

What are transaction cost’s?

These are what will crush a small account after a while of trading. Any time you have spreads or commissions you are paying the broker this amount and your trade starts in the negative. It is the price to pay for trading, but Forex rebates will help alleviate the pain of the transaction costs.

How do I choose a platform?

The ideal platform is one that will allow you single click execution and automated trading. The metatrader 4.0 platform will allow you to demo for as long as you would like.

How important is customer service?

This is the line between you and the actual broker you are working with. Should something happen this will be a core piece to your resolution. Definitely consider good customer service brokers ratings before you decide.

Forex UK

FOREX, or foreign exchange, refers to the international market for trading currencies. Every day millions of individuals, banks, and other institutions buy and sell currencies. The actual exchange of currencies is done electronically between the trading parties. Because every time zone in the world has at least one country with a currency in it, the foreign exchange market is active 24 hours a day.


The purpose of foreign exchange is to foster and facilitate international trade and investment. The FOREX market allows businesses and individuals to convert one currency to another at prevailing exchange rates. For example, suppose an American company wants to import merchandise from a Japanese company. In order to pay for the merchandise the American company has to go to a FOREX dealer, receive yen for dollars, and make their purchase. As economic barriers fall and the world’s economies continues to integrate, trade will keep increasing rapidly and so too will the size of the FOREX market.Because of its high trading volumes, extreme liquidity, and longs hours, the FOREX market is considered the most efficient in the world. Market participants include central banks, large banks, multinational corporations, speculators, hedge funds, and other financial institutions. There is over $4 trillion traded globally every day. London is the center of international foreign exchange, accounting for 35% of the total daily volume. This is more than twice the volume of New York (16%) and several times that of Tokyo (6%).


There are several reasons why London has come to dominate the international trade in foreign currency. Most important is London’s status as one of the financial capitals of the world. London has the existing infrastructure and market participants required to handle the high volume levels in the FOREX market. Also, the Pound Sterling is the fourth most actively traded currency and one of the strongest and most valuable currencies of world trade.


Part of the reason for the vast increase in the daily volume of FOREX trades in the past years is the development of electronic trading. As with all other markets, the FOREX market originally involved “paper trading” between central banks and large financial institutions. Access to market information was limited and prices were delayed. There were also higher transaction costs due to the effort involved in executing a trade. With the advent of electronic trading, the costs of trading have drastically decreased while the accessibility to it has increased substantially. Along with the creation of the trading platform, which allows individual investors to access real time market data and participate in trading activities, these developments paved the way for the huge expansion of the FOREX market.


The London Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee (FX JSC) oversees the FOREX market in the United Kingdom. The FX JSC was set up in 1973 under the auspices of the Bank of England. Its work is aimed at furthering the discussion of ideas regarding the FOREX market and oversight.

Pakistani Girls Mobile Numbers

Perpetually bored with little to do, the youth of Pakistan are going crazy over mobile phones. Cell phones are cheap and widely available in Pakistan, leading many to use them as a good way to kill time. This has given rise to virtual dating over the cellular networks, as guys and girls exchange mobile phone numbers with a view to chat or meet up later. Mobile numbers of girls in Pakistan are especially in great demand.

Second only to Internet hookups and cyber dating, cell phone number exchange is a popular dating or introduction method. Many young Pakistanis seek to get potential romantic partners subsequent to an exchange of phone numbers. Many girls and guys have actually met their boyfriends and girlfriends through this means, as a casual interview might often reveal. Some of the most popular mobile phones used by Pakistani girls and guys alike include Nokia N serious, and the Sony Ericsson Walkman phones. Apple’s Iphone is still hard to find in Pakistan, primarily because of less developed network infrastructure.